Monday, May 23, 2011

Live Like We're Dying

In light of the narrowly escaped (!) apocalypse on Saturday, I'd like to take an opportunity to play back some old hits. Not songs really, just some things that I have said in the past that I think bears repeating.

For months leading up to May 21st, the internet was rife with apocalyptic exclamations. There were articles about what one should do to survive an apocalypse. There were ads offering to take care of your pets during the post-apocalyptic chaos. Considering that no one on Earth has ever survived one and no one would be around after one, these articles and advertisements seemed, to me, frivolous at best.

If the world was indeed coming to an end soon, what would you do differently? I'm not talking about some person who, insane or not, sincerely thinks it's going to happen; I'm talking about if there was irrefutable proof, scientific evidence that the end was near. What would you do?

Would you learn to fly a plane? Would you climb a mountain? Would you take a trip around the world? Would you volunteer at a children's hospital? Would you start an animal rescue? Would you make yourself appreciate your life and all the blessings you take for granted? Would you stop stressing about small things? Would you stop being afraid to express your true feelings?

We always make the mistake of thinking we have more time. "I'll do that tomorrow," we say. "Oh, there's plenty of time to get that done," we reason. "I want to mend fences with my mother, but I'm not ready. I need more time," we rationalize.

I have a friend who just recently lost her father. He was perfectly fine one day, and he died from a heart attack the next. As I spoke with her, she recalled her last visit with him just days before. They were talking about building something together, and she said to him, "Oh, Dad, we have time. We don't have to do it now." But they didn't. After telling me that story, she said to me, "People always talk about living for today, about living like it's your last day on Earth, but until you actually do it, you don't really get it."

I couldn't have said it better myself.

So in the spirit of the Well-Fed Spirit oldies but goodies, I leave you with this: stop living your life like tomorrow is a guarantee. The only time that matters is now because it's the only time that truly exists. Learn to fly a plane RIGHT NOW. Climb a mountain RIGHT NOW. Build a fire pit with your dad RIGHT NOW. Not later today. Not in ten minutes. Be the person that you want to be, live the life that you want to live.

Right now.

Come to think of it, I will play a song. If you're having trouble with the Right Now Movement, this song should get you sufficiently ready.

Until next week(ish),
Feed on love, subsist on peace.


  1. I'm sitting here, on vacation, reading this and thinking WHY did I agree to come back to work early? Why am I leaving my kids with my folks (who we rarely see)? Why did I lose sight of what's the most important thing?

  2. So well said I always tell my family I love them and enjoy every get together as much as I can and I do not put off till tomorrow the important things like being with those who I love and who mean something to me as there is no idea what tomorrow will bring.

  3. this is one of those questions i've often spent time thinking about but rarely had an answer to.

  4. Annabelle- When I was gainfully employed, I volunteered for extra work all the time, effectively adding about 50% more stress to my life.

    Jo-Anne- You really get it! We could all learn from the way you live your life.

    Lovkyne- I understand; easier said than done, yet it's so important that we do it. BTW, I received an email inviting me to your blog, but when I clicked the link, it said the blog didn't exist. Is Blogger acting up again, or did you delete it?

  5. Live for the moment as much as it allows, I say! Oh, and Kris Allen sings (and covers) the song beautifully!

  6. True, very true.
    If we want to know our past, look into our present conditions.
    If we want to know our future, look into our present actions.

  7. Way after the fact update: I called my job and said sorry, I'm taking my full week as originally planned.
    Felt great!


Let me hear your voice.